If you have an online shop, you can do much more than just tracking your campaign performance. See the number of actual orders made by visitors who have converted on your Exit Bee campaigns.

For example, if you’re giving a discount coupon to visitors who are abandoning their carts during the checkout process - you’ll be able to see the revenue that was generated from those who stayed and completed their order after seeing the campaign. 

Here’s an example of a cart abandonment campaign's analytics that gives insights into how much revenue is being generated as well.

The Exit Bee eCommerce tracking code can be added on any website.

We provide simple integrations with popular CMS platforms, but if your shop is built on any other eCommerce CMS, then just follow the Custom Installation instructions below.

If your shop is built on:

Custom Installation

In order to calculate the generated revenue for your shop, you need to add the following eCommerce code script to your order success page (should be executed every time an order is placed).

It’s best advised that a technical person (having knowledge of HTML/Javascript) implements this. If you are not comfortable with the described process, please ask your website developer to proceed with the implementation.

<!--exitbee push orders-->
<script type="text/javascript">
        var orderData = {
                "customer_last_name": "###CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME###",
                "customer_first_name": "###CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME###",
                "customer_email": "###CUSTOMER_EMAIL###",
                "total": ###ORDER_TOTAL_PRICE###,
                "currency": "###ORDER_CURRENCY###",
                "oid": "###ORDER_ID###",
                "suid": "###CUSTOMER_ID###",
                "billing_address": "###BILLING_ADDRESS###",
                 "products": [{
                    "name": "###PRODUCT_NAME###",
                    "sku": "###PRODUCT_SKU###",
                    "quantity": "###PRODUCT_QUANTITY###",
                    "price": "###PRODUCT_PRICE###",
                    "url": "###PRODUCT_URL###""
        eb('pushOrder', orderData);
<!--End exitbee push orders-->

Important: The orderData above is a JavaScript Object containing the corresponding data of the order placed, and should be replaced with the real values from the order:





float, required

The order total amount


currency ISO code, required

The currency of the order. Should be a 3 letter ISO code as described here


email, optional

The customer’s email


string, optional

The customer’s last name


string, optional

The customer’s first name


string, optional

The order id


String, optional

The customer id


String, optional

The billing address


Array, optional

Array of products bought


String, required if products

The product bought name


String, required if products

The product bought sku


Integer, required if products

The product bought quantity


Float, required if products

The product bought price


String, required if products

The product bought category


String, required if products

The product bought url in the eshop

Here’s a sample code:

<!--exitbee push orders-->
<script type="text/javascript">
        var orderData = {
                "customer_last_name": "Doe",
                "customer_first_name": "Jane",
                "customer_email": "[email protected]",
                "total": 101,
                "currency": "EUR",
                "oid": "1523",
                "suid": "309814",
                "billing_address": "Belking Street 45371, London UK",
                 "products": [{
                  "name": "iPhone",
                  "sku": "A-88999",
                  "quantity": 1,
                  "price": 101,
                  "category": "Smartphones",
                  "url": "http://localhost/opencart/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=40"

        eb('pushOrder', orderData);
<!--End exitbee push orders-->

Ajax success page 

In case you use ajax to call the pushOrder command, which means you don't have a page load, you need to add the command below right after the eb('pushOrder', orderData);


That's it

Now you can see how each Exit Bee campaign helps you increase sales and revenue.