If, at anytime, a user of your website reaches out to you requesting that you export or delete their information under GDPR compliance, we provide a straightforward way to achieve this.

List your leads by choosing  Analytics -> Leads.

Locate your user's entry and click on it to open lead's details. On the left bottom, there are buttons to export or delete the lead's data.

Export all lead data

Exporting all lead's data may be a time consuming task. By clicking the "Export all lead data" button, you will get a notification about the export task's initialization. After a while, you are going to receive an email providing a download link for the exported data. The download file will be a .zip containing .xls files with the visitor's activity.

Delete lead

By clicking the "Delete lead" button all the visitor's information and activity will be removed from our database. The lead will be totally forgotten.